Simon panda follows the simple workout plan :-
1. Pick your plan and Don't deviate from your Goal
As per Simeon Panda don't loose your goal. Always keep in mind that why you have started.Choose a best workout plan and stay motivated.
2. Train like a Professional bodybuilder
Don't think you are just started. Always keep in mind that you are a bodybuilder and you come to gym for Doing a rough workout.
3. Do all kind of workouts : Don't think how hard is that
when you find exercise very hard then you skip that but Don't do this.
do all kind of workouts in your workout plans.
4. Ignore intensity workout(like supersets)
As per Simeon Panda, Don't do intensity workout keep it very simple just lift with a plan.these are several intensity workouts
5. Eat what your body need
If you are taking good diet then you can achieve your goal very fast. Always keep in mind how much your body need. Eat oat meals in regular diet.Don't eat spicy food. We will discuss a proper diet plan.
6. Use regular Protein Shakes not supplements
it's very good to get a healthy diet. Don't take supplements for muscle growth. Use natural protein diet. Use protein shake regularly and drink water in excess.
1. Pick your plan and Don't deviate from your Goal
As per Simeon Panda don't loose your goal. Always keep in mind that why you have started.Choose a best workout plan and stay motivated.
2. Train like a Professional bodybuilder
Don't think you are just started. Always keep in mind that you are a bodybuilder and you come to gym for Doing a rough workout.
3. Do all kind of workouts : Don't think how hard is that
when you find exercise very hard then you skip that but Don't do this.
do all kind of workouts in your workout plans.
4. Ignore intensity workout(like supersets)
As per Simeon Panda, Don't do intensity workout keep it very simple just lift with a plan.these are several intensity workouts
- Supersets
- Dropsets/strip sets
- Partial reps
- Forced reps/forced negatives
- Burnout sets
- Pre-exhaust
- Cluster sets
- Cheat reps
- Giant sets
- Cluster sets
- Rest-pause
5. Eat what your body need
If you are taking good diet then you can achieve your goal very fast. Always keep in mind how much your body need. Eat oat meals in regular diet.Don't eat spicy food. We will discuss a proper diet plan.
6. Use regular Protein Shakes not supplements
it's very good to get a healthy diet. Don't take supplements for muscle growth. Use natural protein diet. Use protein shake regularly and drink water in excess.